New Clients

by Andrew

We are very happy to report that we have new new juicing clients this week. We have placed juicers and “tool kits” into the hands of Jan Lee to help her friend Joe, who is recovering from cancer surgery and is opting out of chemo. He is doing the natural route of juicing and clean, healthy eating using cookbooks that we provided. Also, Lori of Asheboro, who has had lupus for 37 years, has decided to take a more nutritional route to her treatment. Thus, we sent her a juicer and a “tool kit” (minus the MMB, it’s hard to ship frozen broth…). She will begin her new journey this week.

We are also happy to report that we received another $100 donation today. Thanks so much to everyone who donates. The complete tool kit including the juicer costs approximately $525. And that’s just an initial client in-take. Please see our about page for the address for donations.

Thanks so much for all your support!