Update of on our client, DeEtta Wood

by Andrew

There are so many stories out there about people who have helped fight their cancer through great nutrition with or without medical treatments, but it is a story like this one that makes me believe in what The Mama Edna Project is doing. Here’s the latest update on one of our clients, DeEtta Wood from her husband Jeff:

“DeEtta and I are forever in your debt for the kindness that you have shown us through this trying time. The juicer that we use every day is now our good friend and a reminder of that kindness. It continues to operate without any trouble.

DeEtta received her sixth chemotherapy treatment yesterday and is doing well. Her leg injury is healing very well and the pain from the crushed vertebrae is manageable with a lower dosage of morphine than before. She experiences the fatigue and some of the nausea from the treatments, but overall she feels well and looks good.

As you already know, the results from the PET scan that she received after the third treatment showed dramatic response to the treatment. The doctor was impressed with the results, stating that a response this good was rarely seen. After the fourth treatment, a CT scan showed very similar results. Also, the blood work that was performed this Monday showed that her hemoglobin was at 11 (an improvement and almost normal) and most all of the numbers were in the normal range including liver and kidney functions.

She is now juicing twice a day (a total of 32 ounces). My standard recipe includes about five carrots, a large handful each kale, spinach and super greens, an apple, a pear, 1/2 lemon and a small amount of ginger. Sometimes I add in avocado, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, romaine lettuce or sweet potato. To her juices, I add super foods powder (most days six ounces). She takes wheatgrass everyday, sometimes in a shot and sometimes in her juice. Every morning she drinks a twelve ounce glass of water with two teaspoons each lemon juice and Bragg’s apple cider vinegar and a dash each of cayenne pepper and cinnamon. She is also taking probiotics. She eats no sugar, stays away from fast food and processed foods. She eats a tremendous amount of raw foods. I shop at Whole Foods a lot! Your comment or advice an any of this will be appreciated.

We have been given advice by many others with experiences treating cancer through nutrition and alternative means. Everything that I have been told goes back to something that you said to us that Sunday afternoon in our kitchen. I give you so much credit for opening our eyes to the importance of promoting the best health of DeEtta’s body during treatment and actively fighting the cancer that threatens her life. I also thank you for the information, the support and the investment of resources that you have contributed to our fight.”