Did you know that you could donate to The Mama Edna Project by just shopping on Amazon? Using Amazon Smile instead, log on with your normal credentials and we receive a portion of any qualifying sale. It all adds up to helping KICK CANCER to the CURB!!! Please pay it forward today and use Amazon Smile! Thanks for your support! #TheMamaEdnaProject #KickCancer #juicingforcancer
Last Turmeric Tuesday of Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
by AndrewOn this final Turmeric Tuesday of Breast Cancer Awareness month, we have lots to share!
As always, please see our Pinterest boards weekly for new recipes for using turmeric everyday!
And with only two days left of fund raising for Breast Cancer Awareness month, we’d like to share a couple wins for us this month! First, we received very generous donation from Shirley A. Harr in memory of her daughter and a long time friend of mine, Amy K Harr whom the world lost in February to breast cancer. Secondly, one of our clients, Bobbie Bingham, wanted to “Pay it Forward” to help raise money for this project. She held a Facebook fund raiser for her birthday and we just received a $550 donation from that event! Thanks Bobbie and all who supported her endeavor.
Amazon Prime Day, Use Amazon Smile to log in!
by AndrewAmazon Prime Day begins July 16th, 2018. Please help support our non-profit by using the Amazon Smile login with your normal Amazon credentials. Choose The Mama Edna Project as your charity of choice and we get a portion of the qualifying sale. Thanks for the love and support we so need to help folks with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. Juicing ain’t cheap! Help kick cancer to the curb while you shop!
TRIPLE the DONATIONS from Amazon Smile!!
by AndrewAre your already shopping on Amazon? Switch now to Amazon Smile with the same log in credentials. Find the SUPPORTING search on the left side and find The Mama Edna Project and set us as your default. We normally receive 0.5% of qualifying sales, but until march 31st, 2018, we will receive
3 TIMES that amount just for you buying what you already buy.
So please, help us help others kick cancer to the curb. Thanks for your support!!
Kane Realty Corporation/John Kane Sponsor event to Help prevent Cancer
by AndrewIt’s great that John Kane of Kane Realty is sponsoring a Real Men Wear Pink-North Hills event in Raleigh, NC. Together, we can kick cancer to the curb! Please read the article below for all the details. Go John Kane and North Hills, Raleigh!
Shopping for Mother’s Day??
by AndrewUse AmazonSmile if you are already shopping online. And designate The Mama Edna Project as your charity of choice. We get a portion of the sales that you purchase on AmazonSmile. Simply log on as you usually do on Amazon, but choose the AmazonSmile site instead.
Gardening for Cancer with The Mama Edna Project
by Andrew#gardeningforcancer
As we approach the 4th anniversary of Mama Edna’s passing on May 2nd, we are looking at launching a new education program called Gardening for Cancer. With the help of several books and websites, we aim to help financially disabled cancer victims not only with a juicer and a “tool kit”, but also help with creating a small garden space. This garden will create food, fun and flowers for the person with cancer as well as allow time for him/her to spend outdoors in nature. According to research, gardening can help reduce stress levels while going through cancer treatments, while giving time to spend in the fresh air and sun, a major source of vitamin D, a much needed nutrient to help regulate stress levels. Please donate soon to help with this very worthwhile project. Thanks for you support.
Here’s a link to Rex Health’s page:Β http://www.rexhealthblog.com/health-benefits-of-gardening/
Another link: https://academic.oup.com/jnci/article/doi/10.1093/jnci/dju391/1501713/Home-Gardening-An-Effective-Cancer-Therapy
And here is a book we recommend: https://www.amazon.com/Cancer-Survivors-Garden-Companion-Cultivating/dp/0989268896
Amazon Smile Event TODAY March 16, 2017!!
by AndrewAmazon is celebrating its #1 ranking in customer satisfaction by the ACSI! Today, March 16, Amazon will donate 5% (10 times the usual donation rate) of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Mama Edna Project. Get started at smile.amazon.com/ch/46-3421573.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is HERE!!! #juicingforcancer
by AndrewYesterday was October 1st and thus began Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Help us in this significant time to raise at least $5000 this month for new and existing clients. We need to continue the #juicingforcancer mission. We see our post about our “TOOL KIT” and how expensive each one is at about $550 per new client initially.
So please DONATE this month $10, $25, $50, $100, $1000 or more to help us help folks with cancer get some additional tools to aid them before, during and after cancer treatments. To donate, send your check made out to The Mama Edna Project to the following address:
The Mama Edna Project
c/o Andrew Klutz and Timothy McLamb
860 Appletree Lane
Cary, NC 27513
Thanks for your support!!!
The Team at The Mama Edna Project–Andrew, Tim and Craig
Happy New Year!!!
by AndrewOur resolution in 2016? We want to bring in lots more funding, juicers and produce this year to help folks living with cancer in their efforts to kick cancer to the curb. If you can help, please reach out to us via email at themamaednaproject@gmail.com or via our Facebook page (just click the letter “f” in the circle at the top right of this page, even if you don’t use Facebook). Are you an organic farmer that may be able to donate small amounts to a cancer victim on a regular basis? Or are you a retailer that could provide a juicer? A grocery store that could provide gift cards to buy produce or other healthy food items? Please let us know if you can help.