This list will be tweaked a few more times as we discover what is right for our space, location, shoppers and our mission. Thanks for your patience. We will make an announcement soon once we begin taking donations. Please hang tight. 🦋💙🦋💙🦋💙🦋💙🦋💙

This list will be tweaked a few more times as we discover what is right for our space, location, shoppers and our mission. Thanks for your patience. We will make an announcement soon once we begin taking donations. Please hang tight. 🦋💙🦋💙🦋💙🦋💙🦋💙
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There are only 9 days left of the official Breast Cancer Awareness month. But donating anytime of year is very much appreciated here at The Mama Edna Project as we never know when someone may reach out in need. We are researching low cost options for getting donations to the project, but for now we can only accept checks sent to us at:
The Mama Edna Project
860 Appletree Lane
Cary, NC 27513.
And you can support us ANYTIME you shop on Amazon by choosing Amazon Smile instead and choosing our charity from the drop down menu on the top left.
We are also test driving the Facebook donate button on our Facebook page.
Thanks for your continued support! ❤️❤️❤️
Categories: Breast Cancer, Donations | Comments Off on October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
Are your already shopping on Amazon? Switch now to Amazon Smile with the same log in credentials. Find the SUPPORTING search on the left side and find The Mama Edna Project and set us as your default. We normally receive 0.5% of qualifying sales, but until march 31st, 2018, we will receive
3 TIMES that amount just for you buying what you already buy.
So please, help us help others kick cancer to the curb. Thanks for your support!!
Categories: Amazon Smile, Donations, Fundraisers | Comments Off on TRIPLE the DONATIONS from Amazon Smile!!
Did you know that when you are shopping on Amazon, you can log into Amazon Smile where many of your purchases can earn $$MONEY$$ for your favorite charity?!?!? Using the same credentials, log into Amazon Smile, use the drop down menu on the left to search for us, The Mama Edna Project, and designate us as your charity of choice. We earn cash back with each qualifying purchase. It all adds up to putting juicers and nutritional boosts into the hands of folks with cancer. Please help us help others while you shop for the things you are already buying. It’s a WIN/WIN!! Thanks for your support!! Let’s make 2018 our biggest year yet as we enter into our FIFTH year of operation. Let’s kick cancer to the curb!
Categories: Amazon Smile, Donations | Comments Off on Amazon Smile Gives Back
Remember folks, if you are shopping on Amazon this holiday season, please use the Amazon Smile log in page and select The Mama Edna Project as your charity of choice. We get 0.5% of qualifying purchases as a donation to help kick cancer to the curb! Thanks for your support. Cancer does not break for Christmas, so please help if you can. We currently have two clients we are helping and are trying to do care baskets for multiple others this Holiday Season.
And please donate if you can otherwise. Cheers! send checks to:
The Mama Edna Project
860 Appletree Lane
Cary, NC 27513
Categories: Amazon Smile, Donations | Comments Off on Amazon Smile Shopping: Choose The Mama Edna Project!
The Mama Edna Project would like to extend our thanks to all who support us year round to help folks with cancer!! We hope you are surrounded by friends and family today and enjoying a great meal. Happy, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
And if you have to shop this weekend and are shopping online, please remember Amazon Smile. Log on with your normal credentials and choose The Mama Edna Project as your charity of choice. Here’s to kicking cancer to the curb, one juice drink at a time!
Categories: Amazon Smile, Donations | Comments Off on Happy Thanksgiving!!
Hello from The Mama Edna Project! Please remember about shopping on Amazon Smile. When you log in using your normal Amazon credentials, use the drop down arrow to search for The Mama Edna Project. Designate us as your charity of choice and we receive 0.5% of the qualifying sale as a donation to our charity. Every bit of money helps us help others kick cancer to the curb. Thanks for your support!
Categories: Amazon Smile, Donations | Comments Off on Amazon Smile shopping for the Holidays
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Please help us continue our journey here at The Mama Edna Project by donating this month. Ways you can help? Cash is always great! But, we accept donations of gently used juicers as well or any of the items listed on our “tool kit” which can be found in the notes section of our page. Also, we have a huge opportunity to earn money for the project from folks who already shop on Amazon. Use Amazon Smile instead and designate us as your charity of choice. We get 0.5% of the sales on qualifying merchandise. Thanks for your support!
Our address can be found on our contact page.
Categories: Amazon Smile, Breast Cancer, Donations | Comments Off on October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!!
It’s great that John Kane of Kane Realty is sponsoring a Real Men Wear Pink-North Hills event in Raleigh, NC. Together, we can kick cancer to the curb! Please read the article below for all the details. Go John Kane and North Hills, Raleigh!
Categories: Donations, Fundraisers | Comments Off on Kane Realty Corporation/John Kane Sponsor event to Help prevent Cancer
Good morning Mama Edna up in Heaven!! It’s been 4 years since you were called away. We still miss you sorely. Thanks for continuing to watch over us. And we are still “paying it forward” in your name.
Categories: Donations | Comments Off on 4 Years Ago today!!