Our Back Story

by Andrew

Mama Edna McLamb was diagnosed with lung cancer in late 2012, a few short months after her 74th, Pink-Hair Birthday. In the early months of 2013, her children, husband and I took turns driving Mama Edna to appointments. During this time, we discovered that many folks with debilitating conditions are often alone and lack support and the financial means to sustain them before, during and post treatments. 

We often juiced for Mama Edna and discovered how well her body responded, and in doing so, discovered how helpful this process was for so many folks who needed nutritional boosts in their diets. Thus, began the mission of paying it forward for Mama Edna. We bought several juicers in early 2013 before Mama Edna got her heavenly wings in May. It was then that we began our journey to creating an official  nonprofit to honor her legacy of helping others. In August 2013, in the same week we got our finalized paperwork from Elaine Marshall’s office at the Secretary of State, friends in Jamestown, NC helped out by creating our first fundraiser full of music and food and juicing!! 

Over the next decade, we bought many juicers for folks, spent lots of 💲money 💲 on fresh, organic 🥦 produce 🥒 for juicing and eating and sustaining folks. We grew mountains of wheat grass and delivered it to homes. We did in home demos of juicers and made folks comfortable with the process. We made trips to doctors offices with clients when no one else could go. We helped win some cancer battles and we lost a few, but every family felt that our support gave a better quality of life no matter the ultimate outcome. 

In 2020 when COVID struck and everyone was isolated, we discovered there were folks in need of food and that 1 in 5 people in North Carolina were and STILL are suffering from food insecurity. Our aid became mostly food gift cards. Now, we are looking for the funding to open a 🌎♻️thrift store ♻️🌎to bring more awarenss and much more fundraising to the food security platform. From this spot is where our journey will continue…..(side note, Mama Edna loved pink and she loved butterflies, hence the logo.) 

Please email us with any questions you have. Thanks so much for your support over the years and for your continued support as we make this dream a reality. 💙🦋💙🦋💙🦋

Andrew Klutz, Co-Founder and CEO

Timothy McLamb, Co-Founder and Secretary (and 3rd child of 4)

Craig Eister, Treasurer and major donor

Don, Pam and Patti (children 1, 2 and 4) and major supporters