Turmeric Tuesday for 02.21.17

by Andrew

Howdy fellow juicers and blenders, healthy eater, and cancer thrivers,

Here’s our Turmeric Tuesday recipe(s). Enjoy! And remember, it’s so easy to add just a dash of turmeric to almost anything you are eating. Just remember that the presence of black pepper and/or a healthy fat like olive or coconut oil, nuts, or avocados greatly increases the bio-availability (according to most researchers) of the curcumin in turmeric.


This recipe comes from a Pinterest page called GrowForageCookFerment (http://www.growforagecookferment.com/how-to-make-a-turmeric-bug/) .

Follow us on Pinterest for many more turmeric recipes and lots more!! https://www.pinterest.com/mamaednaproject/