Here’s a link to some of the best foods to eat to keep your body in a more alkaline state.
The Mama Edna Project shared a link.

Here’s a link to some of the best foods to eat to keep your body in a more alkaline state.
Categories: How to keep an Alklaline Diet | Comments Off on Alkalize your body to protect it from serious illness
Inflammation is thought to be one of the leading causes of many serious and life-threatening diseases such as auto-immune related diseases ( and myriad of other diseases
including cancer ( Juicing along with a healthy alkaline diet can quickly reduce inflammation in the body and help restore your body’s gut health.
Juicing green fruits and vegetables is a great way to reduce inflammation. Hear is just one recipe from Pinterest that we’d love to share.
Reduce inflammation in your body to reduce the risk of myriad of diseases. Follow us on Pinterest for lots of great juice recipes along with other healthy eating tips to reduce inflammation.
Categories: Detox, Juice Recipes | Comments Off on Get Rid of Inflammation in Your Body
It’s Turmeric Tuesday!!! Here’s a great juice recipe with carrots and sweet potatoes, both filled with loads of pyhto nutrients and cancer fighting goodness. Add a finger of turmeric and give it a boost!…/AWnbGkhfH4rhOb129g7FjX4sYg1I4B…/
Categories: Juice Recipes, Turmeric Tuesdays! | Comments Off on This week’s Turmeric Tuesday recipe!
In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month:
Categories: Breast Cancer, Education/Training, Specific Info on Ailments | Comments Off on Another article on Breast Cancer Prevention
Today’s yummy turmeric goodness from from a friend who is a chef and an cancer survivor, as well as a wife to a farmer. Lee Newlin and her husband Larry Newlin, own Peaceful River Farms in Chapel Hill, NC. This recipe for “Jamu” tea follows. See their website below the recipe.
AND Happy Turmeric Tuesday!!!!
Lee’s Healthy Cooking Classes
Warming “Jamu” (Turmeric Tea) serves 2
Turmeric is an ancient Indian yellow spice used for centuries that has an active ingredient called curcumin. It has significant anti-inflammatory properties as well as a host of other health benefits. Turmeric is also fantastic for digestion and cleansing the liver which is the “filter” for our body.
Whenever we feel pain in joints and muscles or just want to boost our immune system, we make some Jamu or Golden Milk tea just before bedtime. Drinking turmeric tea in the morning and evenings may make all the difference in soothing joint pain. Make sure and add black pepper as it enhances bioavailability of turmeric as well as makes the tea invigorating. The maple syrup sets off the earthy-acridness of the spice enough that the tea is still delicious. Udo’s oil added at the end is full of DHA that helps with inflammation. I use coconut milk because it is full of healthy fats and is so good for you! Turmeric tends to stain anything it comes into contact with, so be careful!
-To your good health, Lee Newlin
Categories: Recipes (non-juice), Turmeric Tuesdays! | Comments Off on Turmeric Tuesday 10/18/2016
We will be adding recipes weekly for our Turmeric Tuesdays! that we collect from all over the place or even our own creations. We will include tips on using fresh and powdered turmeric root in everyday cooking as well. So join us here, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter for all the latest recipes and updates at The Mama Edna Project!
Add a little “finger” of fresh turmeric root to our Breakfast Green Juice.
Categories: Juice Recipes, Turmeric Tuesdays! | Comments Off on Announcing our Turmeric Tuesday Recipes, gathered from some great sources!
Do you shop on Amazon? Then log on to AmazonSmile and designate The Mama Edna Project as your charity. With each purchase, Amazon will donates a portion of the sale to us. Every dime adds up over the course of a year to help fund our “TOOL KIT” for a cancer victim in need. Please see our posts on the tool kit and donations. Thanks for your support.
An easy way to contribute while you SHOP! Do you shop on Amazon? If so, log on through AmazonSmile and designate The Mama Edna Project as your charity. We earn a small portion of the sale, but every dime adds up over the year. Here’s the link:
Categories: Amazon Smile, Donations | Comments Off on AmazonSmile Donates when YOU shop!!
Anytime someone with cancer reaches out to us here at The Mama Edna Project, or when someone is referred to us who is in need of help, we put together a “tool kit” of items we have found to be very useful during the cancer treatment process. This tool kit has evolved since the first time we put it together for Mama Edna herself in January 2013 and it continues to evolve as we learn more about the process from the sources from which we draw information. This tool kit is both helpful in the realm of nutrition during the cancer treatment as well as educational and even morale boosting in many cases. In 2013, The Mama Edna Project assembled and donated 10 such tool kits for 10 different clients and helped other folks who actually could afford their own but needed direction about what was needed. Since then, we have assembled over 40 such kits. And in 2017, we are aiming high. These tool kits are quite pricey, so ongoing donations are truly needed to continue our work successfully. Listed below are the items we currently include in the cancer-fighting tool kit:
-One slow-juicer (average cost $400), usually Hurom or Breville
-A cookbook called The Juicing Bible by Pat Crocker ($27) or Kris Carr’s Crazy Sexy Juice ($22.50)
-A cookbook called The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen by Rebecca Katz ($35)
-A book called Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips by Kris Carr (for women, we are searching for an equivalent for men) ($12)
-Wheatgrass growing kit or wheatgrass delivered weekly ($10/week)
-Several bags of candied ginger (helps with nausea, replaces candy, rich in antioxidants) ($20)
-A jar of coconut oil (for cooking) ($12)
-A bottle of almond oil (used for cooking to raise pH as well as an ointment for radiation burns) ($15)
-Initial load of produce for in-home juicing demonstration and first week of juicing ($100)
-8 quarts of Magic Mineral Broth (MMB) that we make and freeze for clients (used to replace water when making soups, stews or anytime a clear liquid is used in cooking, MMB is supercharged with nutrients, also, clients who are having issues with eating enough, can use MMB as a hot drink to add vitamins to the diet) (ingredients approximately $40, production costs are just a labor of love from myself as part of the cause)
-Information packets that we collect from various cancer organizations and oncology/radiology offices ($2/copy)
-Organic, dark chocolate (70% or higher) to replace sugary desserts and adds beneficial vitamins and micronutrients ($5)
-High quality honey to replace processed sugar ($20)
-Almond flour for baking ($12)
-Small, inexpensive, random items that may make individuals more comfortable during cancer treatment (various) like lip balms, olive oil, skin care items, etc. ($30 or more)
As you can see, this list is both quite expansive AND expensive, totaling over $750 for just the initial visit, all at ZERO cost to the client who has both financial and medical need of this tool kit. Our goal in 2017 is to assist 15 to 20 new clients. We are also looking to expand our volunteer team and fundraising efforts to grow our reach. One new goal for 2017 is to begin a program that offers rides to cancer treatments. Many cancer victims either don’t drive or cannot drive in due to current medical issues. We will be looking for volunteers soon to help folks get to and from their appointments, help grocery shop, and run other errands for those who do not have help.
Please continue to like AND SHARE our Facebook page so we may reach our goal. Together, we can help folks have a better chance of recovery and a better quality of life while going through cancer treatments. We always encourage our clients to share as much of their healing stories as they feel comfortable in doing. We like to post these stories, along with pictures, to our website and social media platforms for everyone to read.
Together, we can kick cancer to the curb, one juice drink at a time.
Many thanks,
Andrew Klutz, Founder, President, and Juicer-in-Chief at The Mama Edna Project
Timothy McLamb, son of Mama Edna, Secretary and Assistant at The Mama Edna Project
Craig Eister, Vice President and Treasurer at The Mama Edna Project
Categories: Donations, The "Tool Kit", Uncategorized | Comments Off on The Tool Kit, updated for 2016
Yesterday was October 1st and thus began Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Help us in this significant time to raise at least $5000 this month for new and existing clients. We need to continue the #juicingforcancer mission. We see our post about our “TOOL KIT” and how expensive each one is at about $550 per new client initially.
So please DONATE this month $10, $25, $50, $100, $1000 or more to help us help folks with cancer get some additional tools to aid them before, during and after cancer treatments. To donate, send your check made out to The Mama Edna Project to the following address:
The Mama Edna Project
c/o Andrew Klutz and Timothy McLamb
860 Appletree Lane
Cary, NC 27513
Thanks for your support!!!
The Team at The Mama Edna Project–Andrew, Tim and Craig
Categories: Fundraisers, The "Tool Kit" | Comments Off on Breast Cancer Awareness Month is HERE!!! #juicingforcancer