The Mama Edna Project
Posted by Andrew Klutz · 24 seconds ago
Today is October 1st and the launch of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Here at The Mama Edna Project, we need to raise $5000 during October to continue the efforts of helping kick cancer and other degenerative diseases to the curb with the aid of nutritional boosts like juicing and clean healthy eating. We also want to double our likes on Facebook this month to raise awareness and funding for the project. Please donate if you can. every $5, $10, $25 dollar check adds up for juicers, books, and our “tool kit”. Please help a friend in need, as so many of our friends and family members are stricken with cancer each year. Please go to our page, like it, share it and find out where to send donations. Ask 5 friends to check out our page and to donate. Together, we can make a difference in a the life of someone with cancer. Thanks for for support.