What our project aims to do:

by Andrew

Here at The Mama Edna Project, our goal is not only to raise funds to buy juicers and produce and other parts of our “tool kit” (see archived post entitled “Tool Kit”), but we also read a lot out there about integrated nutritional ideas for folks with cancer. We try to link some of the most interesting articles, books, and resources here on our blog as well as on our Facebook page. Please feel free to contact any of us via email with any questions and we will try to direct you to the best resource.

Here’s a link to juicing while undergoing cancer treatment.



Our First Fundraiser in August 2013

by Andrew

Our friend Crystal McCracken, owner of Crystal’s Cool Collections in Jamestown, N.C., hosted our first fundraiser in August of last year. She pulled together several vendors and food trucks, as well as a day full of musicians and fun activities that made the event a huge success! We will be announcing soon our next fundraising event to be held around Mama Edna’s birthday in March. Keep checking back to find out all the details.



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New Client

by Andrew

This week, The Mama Edna Project began working with a new cancer patient. He came home from the hospital on Tuesday, after being told that chemo and radiation were not an option at this time since he has lost so much weight. He has Stage IV lung cancer and is a double lung and liver transplant survivor. He has cystic fibrosis which complicates his cancer. His caregiver approached us to help guide them toward a nutritionally clean and balanced diet of juicing. We provided a juicer, a copy of The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen, a copy of The Juicing Bible, some candied ginger, 8 quarts of Magic Mineral Broth and a few other goodies to help him put on some weight while eating clean. We are currently growing a supply of wheatgrass for him to juice, starting slowly next week. We will update our readers on his condition from time to time.

Grow your own organic wheatgrass for juicing

by Andrew

Grow your own wheatgrass for much less than buying it at the grocery store. Wheatgrass for juicing is a sprouted grass, usually harvested in 7 to 9 days from the inital soaking days. I now only order in bulk the wheatgrass seed (10 pounds) and the azomite fertilizer (2 pound bag). These can be found in the “REFILL” section of the website. (http://www.wheatgrasskits.com/sprouting/wheat_berries_sprouting_seed.htm) and (http://www.wheatgrasskits.com/azomite.htm). I no longer order trays. They are too big for home use. And I refuse to pay for shipping on the bags of compost. I now use a product from Lowe’s Home Improvement called Burpee Eco-Friendly Organic Seed Starting Mix (but you can use any organic seed starting mix that is light-weight, not potting soil).


Here’s the process.

1. In a small bowl (I use a Chinese delivery soup container), rinse and soak 1/4 cup seed. Soak for 24 hours.

2. After 24 hours, drain and rinse soaked seed several times. Drain completely, but do not dry the seeds. Place a damp paper towel (get yourself a brand that comes from recycled paper like Marcal) folded into 4 layers to cover the seeds completely. Keep damp with a spray bottle mister of water for up to 24 more hours.

3. Now, it’s time to plant. At this point you will most likely see little roots sprouting. Using a clean recycled “greens” container (the Earthbound Organics 5 oz container), place 2 handfuls of the seed starting mix into the container, spreading to about 1 to 1 1/2 inch thickness. This soil is only here to hold moisture and nutrients. Sprinkle a thin layer of the azomite over the starting mix (I use a flour/powdered sugar sprinkle can dedicated to this purpose). Evenly spread sprouted seeds over soil. Lightly, but thoroughly water the seeds and soil mix (not standing water). Cover with the container lid, but do not seal. Place containers in the coolest room in the house, out of direct sun. Wheatgrass does best at under 72 degrees and will have fewer mold issues.

4. After 24-36 hours, lift the lid and thoroughly mist seeds and soil. Replace the lid. as the wheatgrass grows, it will push the lid off naturally.

7. Soon the sprouts will begin to push the lid up and away. Keep sprouts moist. In 7 to 9 days, your wheatgrass should be about 7 to 9 inches tall and is ready for harvest. Harvest when ready to use immediately and snip into 1 inch lengths for best results in your “slow” juicer like the Hurom, Omega or Breville. I use half to the whole container at a time for my large juice drinks. Harvest only once, though it will regrow. Most of the nutrients are depleted once harvested. I then allow the wheatgrass to regrow and let my cats enjoy it or compost the rest.

8. To maintain a supply of wheatgrass, this process should begin anew every day or every other day, depending on how much wheatgrass you are juicing. After 9 days, store UN-harvested wheatgrass in its growing container in the frig. Use before it turns yellow.

Wheatgrass for the Juicing Jamestown fundraiser for The Mama Edna Project

Wheatgrass for the Juicing Jamestown fundraiser for The Mama Edna Project

The Hurom Slow Juicer/Smoothie Maker

by Andrew

The juicer we use most often here The Mama Edna Project is the Hurom slow juicer/smoothie maker. Slow juicers tend to yield more juice from the produce that you put in it. Also, since slow juicers have no blades and turn slowly, the juice does not heat up and experiences less oxidation, which protects more of the enzymes, micro nutrients and phyto nutrients so critical in the care of terminal/chronic illnesses. This juicer retails for $399 and has a 10-year warranty. The extra cost for the machine is well worth the warranty and the increased yield and quality of the juice from the produce. We really need donations to purchase a couple new machines. Please donate if you can. See the ABOUT page for more information.


Picture of Mama Edna, Timothy and Andrew on a cruise in 2012

by Andrew


Our Facebook Page! Please like it!

by Andrew

I spent most of the day reading up on cystic fibrosis as it relates to organ transplants and cancer and juicing for a new client of The Mama Edna Project. This topic is not a light read. WOW!!! I feel overwhelmed! We are close to the 300 likes hurdle on our Facebook page. Can we get to 500 likes by January 31st? Yes, we can. We ask that all of our friends please like the page and share it so we can build a huge network of juicers for cancer patients! Thanks so much!

Donations Needed

by Andrew

Today, we are adding a new juicing client to our circle of juicers. He is Stage IV lung cancer. Please read the post about the “Tool Kit”. When we meet for the first time with our new clients, this is the list of items we like to offer them. These items are a compilation of foods and products, as well as a juicer that we have seen to make a difference in how well folks tolerate chemo and radiation and cancer treatments in general. But, this list is very expensive. Currently, our reach is very small, based solely on current donations. Please give if you can. The Mama Edna Project. We are officially filed as a non-profit with the State of North Carolina and have filed with the IRS, but are awaiting the final documentation.

The “Tool Kit”

by Andrew

Anytime someone with cancer reaches out to us here at The Mama Edna Project, or when someone is referred to us who is in need of help, we put together a “tool kit” of items we have found to be very useful during the cancer treatment process. This tool kit has evolved since the first time we put it together for Mama Edna herself in January 2013 and it continues to evolve as we learn more about the process from the sources from which we draw information. This tool kit is both helpful in the realm of nutrition during the cancer treatment as well as educational and even morale boosting in many cases. In 2013, The Mama Edna Project assembled and donated 10 such tool kits for 10 different clients and helped other folks who actually could afford their own but needed direction about what was needed. These tool kits are quite pricey, so ongoing donations are truly needed to continue our work successfully. Listed below are the items we currently include in the cancer-fighting tool kit.


One slow-juicer (average cost $300)

A cookbook called The Juicing Bible by Pat Crocker ($27)

A cookbook called The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen by Rebecca Kazt ($35)

A book called Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips by Kris Carr (for women, we are searching for an equivalent for men) ($12)

Wheatgrass growing kit or wheatgrass delivered weekly ($10/week)

Several bags of candied ginger (helps with nausea, replaces candy, rich in antioxidants) ($20)

A jar of coconut oil (for cooking) ($12)

A bottle of almond oil (used for cooking to raise pH as well as an ointment for radiation burns) ($15)

Initial load of produce for in-home juicing demonstration and first week of juicing ($50)

8 quarts of Magic Mineral Broth (MMB) that we make and freeze for clients (used to replace water when

making soups, stews or anytime a clear liquid is used in cooking, MMB is supercharged with nutrients, also,

clients who are having issues with eating enough, can use MMB as a hot drink to add vitamins to the diet)

(ingredients approximately $40, production costs are just a labor of love from Andrew as part of the cause)

Information packets that we collect from various cancer organizations and oncology/radiology offices ($2/copy)

Small, inexpensive, random items that may make individuals more comfortable during cancer treatment (various)


As is evident, this list is quite expansive AND expensive, totaling $523 for just the initial visit all at ZERO cost to the client who has both financial and medical need of this tool kit. Our goal in 2014 is to assist 12 to 15 new clients. Please continue to like AND SHARE our page so we may reach our goal. Together, we can help folks have a better chance and a better quality of life while going through cancer treatments.


Many thanks,

Andrew Klutz, Founder and President

The Mama Edna Project

Breakfast Green Juice

by Andrew

This recipe is what Tim and I do daily for our green juice. 1 large cucumber, unpeeled if organic, 4 medium carrots, 4 stalks of celery, 1 1/2 inch knuckle of ginger root, peeled, 1 medium turmeric root, 2-3 slices of lemon, peel on, 1 to 2 apples, depending on sweetness desired, 1/2 container of prewashed “boxed” organics greens (rotate the type of greens every four days), 1 container fresh wheatgrass, clipped into one inch pieces. Wash all produce in a sink of water with 1/4 cup of vinegar for 10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and dry. I use a “slow” or masticating juicer. So for this type of machine, chop produce into pieces under 2 inches square. I sometimes chop into even smaller pieces for harder produce. Process through the juicer, alternating leafy/grassy produce with harder produce.Β  Enjoy immediately or store in an airtight glass jar for up to 6 hours, leaving as little head room as possible to avoid oxidation of the juice. Get your green buzz going!